Also I'm remembering that last time I listened, was so long ago. It was when I was dismantling my yurt back in October. So here is me re-emerging slowly back to the things I love x

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PS spotted this on here and couldn't wait until Friday to listen. Now it feels like the weekend lol! 🌸🎉🦭

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I did not mean to send it out but it just flipped out like a slippery fish x

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Haha 🤣🐟 🐠 🎣 🐡

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Ah Sarah, I'm so sorry you missed your flight to Ireland for Imbolc 😢 I hope you made up for it by going to the White Spring ceremony, as well as to your womb-like longbarrow.

You are so right - having the delightful and talented Charlotte Mabon on your podcast was a treat indeed 💕

There is always next year for Ireland 🇮🇪 - I bet they missed you 🫂🫂

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Yes, next year!

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nothing is ever missed

whole is well

rims are murmuring

of the transformative whale

let us bee and sea

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So Lovely to sit in the bath at midnight and hear you two rattling along!! Thought I was listening to the BBC.. I’ve been listening a lot to Radio 4 recently, ran seamlessly, so all in its rightful place <3 Love you Both <3 Happy Imbolc! Xxxxxx

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Such a great podcast, so nice to listen. Really encapsulates the first stirrings. Listening in bed as I awake this Sunday morning watching the bare ash tree swaying in the breeze, seeing the birds fly in and out of its branches, hearing the peaceful tweeting of the little birds.

Also, Ireland next year?! Xx

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